Bank Data
Lexical databases
Comparative historical database of Enggano lexical resources
- Work by Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, also hosted on the @engganolang GitHub repository:
- Kähler's (1987) Enggano-German digitised dictionary is now online as a Shiny web app (R code file), and the underlying data is available open-access here (v0.0.2) in a tabular format in three different file types: .rds (R data file), .csv, and .tsv (tab-separated value); a description of the table columns is available in this README file. For more information, see the Enggano Dictionary by Hans Kähler entry on our Previous Work page.
- EnoLEX: A diachronic lexical database of the Enggano language. This Shiny web application serves the updated content of the Enggano etymological database. Users can read the "How to get started" section in the app to browse EnoLEX’s content interactively. The source R codes and related materials are available via this GitHub repository and at The database was presented at AsiaLex 2024 (see here for the slides and the conference paper; please note that the planned interface prototype in the conference paper [Section 5] has changed, and the current interface is the active one; this is mentioned as a "Note" in the description. However, the other parts of the conference paper [Sections 1-4] stay the same).
- Helfrich’s (1916) Enggano-Dutch word list. Available open-access here (v0.1.1) (the main form table is now searchable here, consisting of the Dutch and English glosses, with standardised and IPA transcription columns [with segmentations]). Further aspects to develop are mentioned here. For more information, see the Helfrich entry on our Previous Work page.
- Digitised, searchable version of the Holle List. 2023. Also available as GitHub, Zenodo, ORA repositories. For more information, see the Holle List entry in our Previous Work page.
- CLDF dataset of the Enggano word list from 1895 in Stokhof and Almanar's (1987) Holle List. Also available as GitHub, Zenodo, ORA repositories.
- Our Enggano etymological database by Daniel Krauße, Erik Zobel and Bernd Nothofer, Frankfurt, 2022-2024, was compiled from all historical wordlists of Enggano since the 19th century. The database is also accessible at From the full database, we have extracted the following resources:
- Daniel Krauße's analysis of Walland's wordlist “Het Eiland Engano” includes the original lexemes, contemporary correspondences and etymological notes. For more information, see the Walland entry in our Previous Work page.
Contemporary Enggano lexical resources
- Work by Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, also hosted on the @engganolang GitHub repository:
- Enggano Flora and Fauna Lexicon dataset (Wijaya, Rajeg & Sangian 2024) is now available on Oxford SDS and Zenodo via GitHub. The data are in four formats (.csv, .rds, .tsv, and .xlsx).
- Source R codes and dataset to transform the Contemporary FLEx database into (i) Standard Format Marker to be-reimported into FLEx for producing the print dictionary, and (ii) spreadsheet for the digital dictionary, available at,
- R codes to create a derived data set (in a table format) from the FLEx database of the print dictionary, available at
Text analyses
Texts collected by O. L. Helfrich
We have produced morphosyntactic analysis of the
texts collected by O. L. Helfrich in the late eighteenth century. The analyses were produced by Mary Dalrymple and Charlotte Hemmings, using SIL's
FieldWorks (FLEx) tools. We also make available the
FLEx backup file which produced these analyses.
Texts collected by Hans Kähler
We have produced morphosyntactic analyses of the
texts collected by Hans Kähler during his visit to Enggano Island in the 1930s, and of the examples in his
grammar. The analyses were produced by Mary Dalrymple and Charlotte Hemmings, using SIL's
FieldWorks (FLEx) tools. We also make available the
FLEx backup file which produced these analyses.