Enggano: Papers, presentations, and work in progress
Enggano: Makalah, presentasi dan karya sebelumnya


Enggano: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives is a collection of papers in preparation, to be published at the end of the grant. It will contain the following chapters:

The Enggano Language Documentation and Lexicography: A Reflection. Seminar celebrating and reflecting on our long-term research on the documentation and lexicography of Enggano. The research seminar on the first day includes presentations by Prof. Ketut Artawa, Dr. Dora Amalia, Prof. Bradley McDonnell, and Prof. I Wayan Arka, moderated by Dr. Ni Made Ayu Widiastuti, Dr. Ni Putu Weddha Savitri, Dr. Gede Primahadi W. Rajeg, and Mr. I Komang Sumaryana Putra, M.Hum, and can be streamed at https://www.youtube.com/live/pWTuZuRKs44?si=6ma9L2K3v6B00a4a. The second day of the event consists of a student-oriented workshop on linguistic field methods and tools, with presentations by Dr. Charlotte Hemmings and Dr. Gede Primahadi W. Rajeg. Udayana University, Bali, 9-10 January 2025.

Kamus Digital Bahasa Enggano, by Gede Primahadi W. Rajeg, Charlotte Hemmings, Cokorda Pramartha, Engga Zakaria Sangian, Dendi Wijaya, Sarah Ogilvie, Daniel Krauße, I Wayan Arka, Mary Dalrymple, Bernd Nothofer, Putu Widyantara Artanta Wibawa, Putu Agus Dharma Kusuma, I Putu Gede Mahardika Adi Putra, and Anak Agung Ngurah Mahadana Apta Gotra. In collaboration with/Bekerja sama dengan: Milson Kaitora, Harun Kaharubi, M. Raflizen Kaitora [alm.], Aron Kaitora [alm.], Johansen Kaharubi, Ishar Timius Kaitora, Marlansius Kaharubi, Adam Kurniawan Kauno, Resiawati Kaitora.

Kamus Bahasa Enggano, by Gede Primahadi W. Rajeg, Charlotte Hemmings, Engga Zakaria Sangian, Dendi Wijaya, and I Wayan Arka. In collaboration with/Bekerja sama dengan: Milson Kaitora, Harun Kaharubi, M. Raflizen Kaitora [alm.], Aron Kaitora [alm.], Johansen Kaharubi, Ishar Timius Kaitora, Marlansius Kaharubi, Adam Kurniawan Kauno, Resiawati Kaitora. 2025. Bengkulu, Indonesia: Zara Abadi. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25446/oxford.28022312.
This is the printed learner's dictionary of Enggano-Indonesian-English (and finder list of Indonesian-Enggano-English). The dictionary accompanies the Enggano textbooks for elementary and junior high school. The materials of the dictionary come from the textbooks and additional lexical data about flora and fauna, cultural tools and traditional attire. The production of the interconnected database for the dictionary elements (root forms, sub-entries, illustrative examples, links to images, etc.) involves computational processing using R; the materials are archived in our Oxford Sustainable Digital Scholarship (SDS) page. The electronic PDF version is available in SDS under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International license.


Morphological conservatism in Enggano subordinate clauses. Erik Zobel and Charlotte Hemmings. Italian Journal of Linguistics 36(2), 185-212. 2024.

Enggano textbooks for Elementary and Junior High School: We produced textbooks for two school levels, coordinated with the print dictionary.

Preserving the Enggano Language: A Digital Dictionary Approach: slides, paper. Cokorda Pramartha, Gede Primahadi W. Rajeg, Mary Dalrymple and I Wayan Arka. 35th Australasian Conference on Information Systems 2024, University of Canberra, 4-6 December, 2024.

Attrition of Symmetricality in the Austronesian Voice System: Insights from Indonesia's Barrier Islands Languages and Beyond: abstract, slides. I Wayan Arka. 15th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT XV), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 4-6 December 2024.

Enggano Middle Voice and Valence Over Time: abstract, slides. Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, Charlotte Hemmings, I Wayan Arka, and Engga Zakaria Sangian. 15th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT XV) in the workshop “Valency and valency alternations within and across language boundaries”, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 4-6 December 2024.

Enhancing Language-Culture and Economic Wellbeing of Minority Ethnolinguistic Groups in Indonesia: abstract, slides. Zulfadli Abdul Aziz and I Wayan Arka. Annual Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society (ALS 2024) in the themed session "Walking between two worlds – opportunities and challenges for Indigenous linguists", The Australian National University, Canberra, 26-29 November 2024.

Split-Ergativity in Enggano: slides. Charlotte Hemmings. Universal Properties of Natural Language and Georgian as a case study, St. Antony’s College, Oxford, 15 November 2024.

EnoLEX: A Diachronic Lexical Database for the Enggano language: abstract, preprint of paper, slides. Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, Daniel Krauße, and Cokorda Rai Adi Pramartha. AsiaLex 2024 (The Asian Association for Lexicography 2024 Hybrid Conference), Toyo University, Tokyo, 12-14 September 2024.

Problems with Archival Materials in a Digital Environment: The case of Enggano, a language of Indonesia: recording of presentation, slides. Sarah Ogilvie, Gede Rajeg, and Daniel Krauße. Language Documentation and Archiving Conference, Berlin & Online, 4-6 September 2024.

The rise of differential marking in Contemporary Enggano: slides. Charlotte Hemmings. Linguistic Association of Great Britain Annual Meeting (LAGB24), Newcastle University, 27-30 August 2024.

Bahasa Enggano yang terancam punah masih berkarib dengan bahasa Austronesia/The Endangered Enggano language is still closely related to Austronesian languages. Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, Bernd Nothofer, and Daniel Krauße. The Conversation, 19 August 2024. (In Indonesian.)

Subordinate clauses in Enggano: abstract, slides. Charlotte Hemmings and Erik Zobel. Syntax of the World’s Languages IX, Lima, Peru, 23-26 July 2024.

Verbal Morphology in Enggano and Nias: abstract, slides. Charlotte Hemmings. 16th Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics (APLL) Conference, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 1-3 July 2024.

Enggano middle voice: Evidence of Enggano as an Austronesian language: abstract, slides. Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, Charlotte Hemmings, and I Wayan Arka. 16-ICAL (International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics), De La Salle University, Manila, 20-24 June 2024.

Language documentation and the multi-dimensionality of capacity building: framing research diversity in an Indonesian ethno-ecological context. I Wayan Arka. In Projecting Voices: Essays in language and linguistics in honour of Jane Simpson, edited by C. O'Shannessy, J. Gray and D. Angelo. Canberra: Asia-Pacific Linguistics. To appear.

Syntactic changes in verbal agreement. Charlotte Hemmings, Hannah Gibson and Lutz Marten. In Adam Ledgeway, Edith Aldridge, Anne Breitbarth, Katalin É. Kiss, Joseph Salmons and Alexandra Simonenko (eds.) The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Diachronic Linguistics. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Accepted.

Unraveling (a)symmetry in grammar: reciprocity and reflexivity in Barrier Islands languages and beyond: abstract. I Wayan Arka. Invited presentation at KOLITA 22 (The 22nd Annual Atma Jaya Linguistic Conference), Atma Jaya Catholic University, 28-30 May 2024.

Research seminar on the documentation and lexicography of the Enggano language. Soekarno Room, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia, Monday, 18 March 2024. This seminar shares research updates on the documentation and lexicography of the Enggano language. Photos from the event.

The Enggano Language: Nothofer’s contribution to solving a linguistic puzzle. Daniel Krauße. In Christoph Bracks, Arndt Graf & Patrick Keilbart (eds.): Towards the next 40 years of Southeast Asian Studies in Frankfurt. Essays in honour of Bernd Nothofer (Frankfurt East Asian Studies Vol. 6), pp. 15-30. Munich: Iudicium. 2024.

Historical development of relative clauses in Enggano: slides. Charlotte Hemmings and Mary Dalrymple. Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, New York, January 2024.


Reanalysis in the History of Enggano Relative Clauses: slides. Charlotte Hemmings. Invited talk given to the Meaning and Grammar research group (MGRG), Linguistics and English Language Department, University of Edinburgh, October 2023.

Evidence of Contact with Malay/Indonesian in the Enggano Language. Charlotte Hemmings and I Wayan Arka. In Hiroki Nomoto and Asako Shiohara (eds.): Special issue, Language Contact Between Malay and Indigenous Languages, NUSA 75: 19-51. 2023.

Compounding words in Enggano language. Dendi Wijaya and Engga Zakaria Sangian. Linguistik Indonesia, to appear.

Grammaticalisation of kidė as a similative marker in contemporary Enggano: slides. Charlotte Hemmings and Mary Dalrymple. SLE2023, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, August 2023.

Challenges in Enggano Orthography Development. Charlotte Hemmings, I Wayan Arka, Engga Zakaria Sangian, Dendi Wijaya and Mary Dalrymple. Language Documentation and Description 23(1): 4, 1–19. 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25894/ldd.329

A corpus-based analysis of grammatical relations in Enggano: slides. Charlotte Hemmings, Erik Zobel, and Mary Dalrymple. GRelSpoC 2023: Grammatical Relations in Spoken Language Corpora, Paris, June 2023.

Makna Asosiasi dalam Bahasa Enggano [Word Meaning Associations in Enggano]. Dendi Wijaya and Engga Zakaria. Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya Kedua Puluh Satu (KOLITA 21), Atma Jaya University. June 2023.

Enggano-German Dictionary Turns Digital: Challenges and Opportunities in Retro-Digitising Historical Materials of an Endangered Language: slides. Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, Cokorda Adi Paramartha, I Wayan Arka, and Mary Dalrymple. Konferensi Linguistik Tahunan Atma Jaya Kedua Puluh Satu (KOLITA 21), Atma Jaya University. June 2023.

Relative clauses in Enggano: slides. Charlotte Hemmings and Mary Dalrymple. Southest Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS 2023), Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, May 2023.

Contact-induced Change in Enggano (an Austronesian language of Indonesia): slides. Charlotte Hemmings. Workshop on Multilingualism and Structural Change: Insights from Past Histories and Present Realities, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2023.

Retro-digitising the Enggano-German dictionary: Challenges and prospects: slides. Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, Cokorda Rai Adi Paramartha, I Wayan Arka, and Mary Dalrymple. Seminar Nasional Bahasa Ibu XV (Fifteenth National Seminar on Mother Language), organised by the Linguistics Postgraduate Programs at the Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia. February 2023.


Cultural Semiotics in the Traditional Marriage Process of Enggano People. Dendi Wijaya and Engga Zakaria. Proceedings of the 1st Lawang Sewu International Symposium on Humanities and Social Sciences (LEWIS-HUSO), Semarang, Central Java. November 2022. https://doi.org/10.2991/978-2-38476-078-7_16

The value of historical resources in Language Documentation and Description: Case studies from the Enggano Project: slides. Charlotte Hemmings, SOAS Linguistics Seminar, December 2022.

Issues and Challenges in Enggano Orthography Development. Charlotte Hemmings, I Wayan Arka, Engga Zakaria Sangian, Dendi Wijaya, and Mary Dalrymple. Chair Professor Distinguished Lecture Series, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, October 2022.

A closer examination of the lexical material of Enggano since the 19th century: slides. Daniel Krauße, Erik Zobel & Bernd Nothofer. 25th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, August 2022.

A diachronic view of Enggano voice alternations: abstract, slides, handout. Charlotte Hemmings, Erik Zobel, and Mary Dalrymple. 25th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, August 2022.

Evidence of contact with Malay/Indonesian in the Enggano language: abstract, slides. Charlotte Hemmings and I Wayan Arka. 25th Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics, August 2022.

Morphological conservatism in Enggano subordinate clauses: abstract, slides. Erik Zobel, Charlotte Hemmings, and Mary Dalrymple. 55th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, August 2022.

Socio-cultural aspects of Enggano linguistic variations: a preliminary observation: slides. I Wayan Arka. Enggano project meeting, Uppsala, July 2022.

Critical ecological factors and Enggano vitality: abstract, slides. I Wayan Arka, Arono, Dendy Wijaya, and Engga Zakaria. 14th International Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference, June 2022.


Conditions for Learning Regional Languages that are Almost Extinct in the Outer Islands of Indonesia. Arono, Wisma Yunita, and Irma Dian. In ICETeP 2021: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Educational Science and Teacher Profession, 2021.

The phonological history of Nias. Erik Zobel. Towards the next 40 years of Southeast Asian Studies in Frankfurt — Symposium in honour of Prof. Bernd Nothofer, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, December 2021.

The Enggano Language: Nothofer's contribution to solving a linguistic puzzle. Daniel Krauße. Towards the next 40 years of Southeast Asian Studies in Frankfurt — Symposium in honour of Prof. Bernd Nothofer, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, December 2021.

Challenges in Enggano Orthography Development. Charlotte Hemmings, I Wayan Arka, Mary Dalrymple, Engga Zakaria Sangian and Dendi Wijaya. Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory 6, SOAS, London, December 2021.

Language Documentation and Orthography Development in the Pandemic: Experiences with Enggano. Mary Dalrymple and Charlotte Hemmings. Presentation at the 3rd International Conference on Educational Sciences and Teacher Profession (ICETeP), University of Bengkulu, November 2021.

A short overview of Enggano basic morphology and syntax (with comparative and diachronic notes). Erik Zobel. This paper presents a preliminary analysis of selected aspects of the basic morphology and syntax of "Old Enggano" based on Kähler’s grammatical sketch from 1940 and Kähler’s collection Texte von der Insel Enggano (1975), together with diachronic and comparative notes.

Enggano revisited: The word for 'window'. Bernd Nothofer. In Knowledge, Science, and Local Tradition, edited by Irene Schneider and Holder Warnk. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2021. This paper investigates the etymology of the Enggano word for 'window', bakub ('eye'+'house'), and other metaphorical constructions with the word for 'eye' as their first component.


Enggano and Austronesian morphosyntax: preliminary findings. I Wayan Arka, Dendi Wijaya and Mary Dalrymple. Accepted for presentation at the Kongres Internasional Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia (KIMLI2020), Makassar, August 2020. (Not presented due to the coronavirus pandemic.) This paper reports our preliminary findings on the morphosyntax of Enggano.

Austronesian morphosyntax in Enggano: preliminary findings. I Wayan Arka, Mary Dalrymple and Dendi Wijaya. Accepted for presentation at the 12th International Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference (APLL12), Oslo, June 2020. (Not presented due to the coronavirus pandemic.) This paper reports our preliminary findings on the morphosyntax of Enggano.

Language contact and language vitality: evidence from Enggano. I Wayan Arka, Charlotte Hemmings and Arono. Accepted for presentation at Indoling (Indonesian Languages and Linguistics: State of the Field), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 16-18 February 2020. (Not presented due to the coronavirus pandemic.) This paper reports on our research on the critical variables involved in the interconnection between language contact and language vitality in Enggano.


On the competition dynamics and eco-linguistic equilibrium of minority languages: case studies from Indonesia: abstract. I Wayan Arka. Keynote talk at the 2019 International Conference on The Austronesian and Papuan Worlds (ICAPaW).