Previous and related work on Enggano
Karya penelitian sebelumnya tentang Enggano

Enggano Wordlists/Daftar kata bahasa Enggano

The earliest work on Enggano dates from the mid-19th century. The pre-1988 entries in the following table are based on Hans Schmidt's 1988 University of Hamburg thesis Der Lautwandel im Enggano während der letzen 50 Jahre [Sound change in Enggano over the last 50 years], with additions. A chart of the equivalences in the transcription systems for some of these works can be found in this spreadsheet.
Karya paling awal tentang Enggano berasal dari pertengahan abad ke-19. Tabel berikut didasarkan pada tesis Hans Schmidt 1988 dari Universitas Hamburg Der Lautwandel im Enggano während der letzen 50 Jahre [Perubahan suara di Enggano selama 50 tahun terakhir], dengan beberapa tambahan.

Author/Penulis Stay in Enggano/Periode tinggal di Enggano Publication/Publikasi Number of Enggano words/Jumlah kata Enggano
Djoeragan Boewang several times between 1840 and 1855, including a visit of one year Verslag orntrent het Eiland Enggano [Report on Enggano Island/Laporan di Pulau Enggano], Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 1854 22
D. J. Brouwer early 1850s Woordenlijst van het weinige door de Inlanders op Engano, te ... Barhao ons medegedeelde, der Enganeesche taal vertolkt door den Chinees Tsi-ting aan den Lieut(enant) D.J.S. Brouwer [Glossary of several words of the Enganese language communicated to us by the inhabitants of Engano in Barhao and communicated by the Chinese [interpreter] Tsi-ting to the lieutenant D.J.S. Brouwer]. The list is referenced as item Or. 3386U in the Inventory of the Oriental Manuscripts of the Library of the University of Leiden. 104
Carl Benjamin Hermann Baron von Rosenberg 10-24 September 1852 Beschrijving van Enggano en van deszelfs bewoners [Description of Enggano and its inhabitants/Deskripsi Enggano dan penduduknya], Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 1855 154
Johannes van der Straaten and Pieter Severijn 10 June-2 July 1854 Verslag van een in 1854 bewerkstelligd onderzoek op het eiland Enggano [Report of an investigation carried out in 1854 on the island of Enggano/Laporan penyelidikan yang dilakukan pada tahun 1854 di pulau Enggano], Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 1855 201
J. Walland 6-20 May 1863 Het Eiland Enggano [Enggano Island/Pulau Enggano], Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 1864 250
R. Francis 1865/66 and 1868/70 Engganeesche woordenlijst [Enggano wordlist/Daftar kata Enggano], Notulen der Bataviaasch Genootschap, 1874 and 1877 91
Jean Abraham Chrétien Oudemans - Woordenlijst van de talen van Enggano, Mentawai en Nias [Vocabulary of the languages of Enggano, Mentawai, and Nias/Kosakata bahasa Enggano, Mentawai, dan Nias], Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 1879 150
A. C. Oudemans - Engano (bewesten Sumatra), Zijne Geschiedenis, Bewoners en Voortbrengselen [Engano (west of Sumatra), Its History, Inhabitants and Products/Engano (Sumatera barat), Sejarah, Penduduk dan Produknya], Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, 1889. This seems to be a reproduction of the Francis lists. 160
Oscar Louis Helfrich and J.A.J.C. Pieters 10 November-3 December 1885, 13 December 1891, inter alia Proeve van eene Maleisch-Nederlandsch-Engganeesche Woordenlijst [Sample of a Malay-Dutch-Enggano Glossary/Contoh Glosarium Melayu-Belanda-Enggano], Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 1891 1012
Oscar Louis Helfrich Aanvullingen en verbeteringen op de Maleisch-Nederlandsch-Enganeesch Woordenlijst [Additions and improvements to the Malay-Dutch-English Glossary/Penambahan dan penyempurnaan Glosarium Bahasa Melayu-Belanda-Inggris], Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 1893
Oscar Louis Helfrich Nadere Bijdrage Tot De Kennis Van Het Engganeesche [Further Contribution To The Knowledge Of Engganese/Kontribusi Lebih Lanjut Untuk Pengetahuan Bahasa Engganese], Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië, 1916 1100
Elio Modigliani 25 April-17 July 1891 L'Isola delle Donne [The Island of Women/Pulau Wanita], 1894 537
W. A. L. Stokhof Holle List, collected in 1895 by Abs van der Noord, published in 1987. Available from Pacific Linguistics. Also available in digitised, searchable form./dikumpulkan pada tahun 1895 oleh Abs van der Noord, diterbitkan pada tahun 1987 1500
Bernd Nothofer unpublished wordlist/daftar kata yang tidak dipublikasikan, 1986; see Nothofer's `Lehnwörter im Enggano' [Loanwords in Enggano/Kata-kata pinjaman dalam bahasa Enggano ], in Kölner Beiträge Aus Malaiologie Und Ethnologie Zu Ehren Von Professor Dr. Irene Hilgers-Hesse, 1992 1400
Hans Schmidt Der Lautwandel im Enggano während der letzen 50 Jahre [Sound change in Enggano over the last 50 years/Perubahan suara di Enggano selama 50 tahun terakhir], 1988 (comparison of Kähler and Nothofer wordlists/Perbandingan daftar kata Kähler dan Nothofer)
Brendon Yoder 2010 Phonological and phonetic aspects of Enggano vowels/Aspek fonologi dan fonetik vokal Enggano, University of North Dakota, 2011. 700
Yanti Riswari, Azmi Ridwan Fauzi, M. Yusuf, Resy Novalia, Zainal Arifin Nugraha and Olga Chaesa Novianti 2020-2021 Kamus Dwibahasaː Enggano-Indonesia, Indonesia-Enggano, Kantor Bahasa Provinsi Bengkulu, Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi. 2021. ~2000
Owen Edwards (collector), Engga Zakaria Sangian (consultant), I Gusti Ayu Gde Sosiowati (interviewer, transcriber), Ni Wayan Sukarini (interviewer, transcriber) 2022 Enggano Wordlist. XML/MP4/PDF/PLAIN/MXF/X-WAV/MPEG. OCSEAN-ENO_20220712 at 1228

Report on Enggano Island, including a wordlist, published by J. Walland
Laporan di Pulau Enggano, termasuk daftar kata, diterbitkan oleh J. Walland

J. Walland published "Het Eiland Enggano [Enggano Island/Pulau Enggano], an ethnographic report on Enggano Island including a wordlist, following a visit in 1854. The report includes a list of words which Walland characterizes as "Hooge taal"/high language and "Lage taal"/low language.

Our Databases page includes a table comparing the high/low forms to their translations in contemporary Enggano.

Enggano texts and glossary published by O. L. Helfrich
Teks Bahasa Enggano dan glosarium yang diterbitkan oleh O. L. Helfrich

O. L. Helfrich was a Dutch administrator and resident of Bengkulu who collected a body of linguistic and ethnographic material over several visits to Enggano Island, assisted by translators and Johannes, a minister from Batak. Much of this material, including a glossary, was published in Helfrich's 1916 article "Nadere Bijdrage Tot De Kennis Van Het Engganeesche [Further Contribution To The Knowledge Of Engganese/Kontribusi Lebih Lanjut Untuk Pengetahuan Bahasa Engganese]". This section contains links to our transcriptions and translations of portions of this publication. Transcriptions of the Enggano texts and their Malay and Dutch translations, and translation into English, were provided by Rena Dusee (University of Oxford).

Our Databases page contains links to a digitised version of Helfrich's wordlist as well as our analyses of the texts, produced by SIL's FieldWorks (FLEx) tools.

The Helfrich material is provided via a CC BY NC license from Brill.

Holle List

The Holle Lists are a collection of wordlists of languages of the Indonesian archipelago, collected under the direction of K. F. Holle in the late nineteenth century. In the 1980s the lists were organized and edited by W. A. L. Stokhof and published as a multi-volume set by Pacific Linguistics. The Enggano Holle List (Volume 10/3, number 24) was collected in 1895 by Abs van der Noord.

Our Databases page provides links to digitized versions of the Enggano Holle List.

Publications by Hans Kähler
Publicasi oleh Hans Kähler

Hans Kähler was a German linguist who made a research visit to Enggano Island from July 1937 to January 1938, and collected a series of Enggano texts. He published a grammar of the Enggano language in the journal Zeitschrift für Eingeboren-Sprachen, and the Enggano texts and their German translations in a serles of articles in the journal Afrika und Übersee and in a collection published by Verlag von Dietrich Reimer. An Enggano-German-Enggano dictionary based on his work was published in 1987, after his death.
Hans Kähler adalah seorang ahli bahasa dari Jerman yang melakukan kunjungan penelitian ke Pulau Enggano dari Juli 1937 hingga Januari 1938, dan mengumpulkan serangkaian teks Enggano. Beliau menerbitkan tata bahasa bahasa Enggano di jurnal Zeitschrift für Eingeboren-Sprachen, dan teks Enggano serta terjemahannya dalam bahasa Jerman dalam serangkaian artikel di jurnal Afrika und Übersee dan juga satu kumpulan teks yang diterbitkan oleh Verlag von Dietrich Reimer.

Enggano Dictionary by Hans Kähler
Kamus Enggano oleh Hans Kähler

The digitisation of Kähler's (1987) Enggano-German-Enggano dictionary involves undergraduate students of the Bachelor of English program and students from the Master of Linguistics program, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University. They participated in a series of training sessions on typing in the IPA (SIL) Keyman and mapping out the entries in the dictionary with the relevant dictionary component in the online entry system. Before the system is ready, students manually annotated the printed copy of the dictionary with the relevant labels in the system. Project member (Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg [GR]) supervises the whole process and checks each annotated page to ensure that the entry is entered correctly in the database. Outside working hours, transcribers can post questions (with screenshot of the entry) on a dedicated WhatsApp group of this task. Photos and the list of participants in the training sessions for the dictionary transcription project.

The full dictionary database is available on the Databases page.

Enggano Grammar and texts by Hans Kähler
Tata Bahasa Enggano dan teks oleh Hans Kähler

This section contains links to scans of the grammar and our transcriptions and translations of the texts. A chart of the equivalences in the transcription systems can be found in this spreadsheet. Additional information about the different transcription systems used in Kähler's work can be found in the introduction to the Enggano-Deutsches Wörterbuch, Veröffentlichungen des Seminars für Indonesische und Südseesprachen der Universität Hamburg. Bd. 14. Aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben und mit einem Deutsch–Enggano–Wörterverzeichnis versehen von Hans Schmidt. D. Reimer, 1975.
Bagian ini berisi tautan ke pemindaian tata bahasa, dan transkripsi serta terjemahan teks-teks yang kami kerjakan. Tabel daftar ekuivalensi dalam sistem transkripsi dapat diunduh pada tautan spreadsheet ini. Informasi tambahan tentang berbagai sistem transkripsi yang digunakan dalam karya Kähler dapat ditemukan dalam pengantar untuk Enggano-Deutsches Wörterbuch, Veröffentlichungen des Seminars für Indonesische und Südseesprachen der Universität Hamburg. Bd. 14. Aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben und mit einem Deutsch–Enggano–Wörterverzeichnis versehen von Hans Schmidt. D. Reimer, 1975.

Analyses of the texts, produced by SIL's FieldWorks (FLEx) tools, are available on the Databases page.

Copyright for the material in this section is held by the heirs of Hans Kähler and the Enggano authors of the texts. The grammar and texts are provided under a license as orphan works by the Intellectual Property Office, United Kingdom.
Hak cipta untuk materi di bagian ini sepenuhya ada pada ahli waris Hans Kähler dan penulis Enggano dari teks-teks tersebut. Tata bahasa dan teks disediakan di bawah lisensi kerja oleh Kantor Kekayaan Intelektual, Inggris Raya.

Grammatical sketch of Enggano by Terry Crowley
Tata Bahasa Enggano oleh Terry Crowley

Terry Crowley produced a handwritten grammar of Enggano in the late 1970's, based on Kähler's grammar and texts. We have transcribed his grammar to make it easier to use.
Terry Crowley menghasilkan tata bahasa tulisan tangan Enggano di akhir 1970-an, berdasarkan tata bahasa dan teks Kähler. Kami telah menyalin tata bahasanya tersebut supaya lebih mudah digunakan. Copyright for the grammar is held by the heirs of Terry Crowley. The grammar is provided under a license as an orphan work by the Intellectual Property Office, United Kingdom.
Hak cipta untuk tata bahasa dipegang oleh ahli waris Terry Crowley. Tata bahasa disediakan di bawah lisensi kerja oleh Kantor Kekayaan Intelektual, Inggris Raya.

Enggano Morphology and Syntax by Syahwin Nikelas, Halipamo Rasyad, and M. Atar Semi
Morfologi dan Sintaksis Bahasa Enggano, oleh Syahwin Nikelas, Halipamo Rasyad, and M. Atar Semi

This grammar was published by Indonesia's Center for Language Development, Ministry of Education and Culture, in 1994.
Buku ini diterbitkan oleh Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Phonological and phonetic aspects of Enggano vowels by Brendon Yoder
Aspek fonologi dan fonetik vokal Enggano, oleh Brendan Yoder

Brendan Yoder completed his MA thesis at the University of North Dakota in 2011.

Grammatical marking of aspect on Enggano verbs by Dendi Wijaya
Pemarkah Gramatikal Verba Bahasa Enggano Dalam Hubungan Keaspekan (Kajian Morphosyntaksis), oleh Dendi Wijaya

Project member Dendi Wijaya completed his MA thesis at the University of Indonesia in 2018.

Negation in four languages of Indonesia by Marielle Butters

Marielle Butters completed her PhD dissertation at the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2021. Enggano is one of the four languages that were the focus of her study.